〈fun pun clock〉のシリーズ第2段は「色」がテーマ
タカタレムノスから発売中のfun pun clock。ちょっぴりユーモラスな名前の由来は、“時”を表わす「1~ 12」の文字が、60進法の“分”の読み方となった際に、「5ふん(f u n)」「10ぷん( p u n)」「15ふん(f u n)」「20ぷん( p u n)」~と交互に繰り返されることから名付けました。そのアイデンティティーを引き継ぎつつ、色で時間に量感を持たせることで、段取りをサポートする機能を兼ね備えた、どのようなインテリアにも馴染むシックなカラーリングの時計に仕上がりました。
[ 大きな3つの特徴 ]
① 時間を自分らしく使いたい人をサポートするアナログ時計
③ 母親の視点と、モンテッソーリ教育理論を土台としたデザイン
公益財団法人 才能開発教育研究財団 日本モンテッソーリ教育綜合研究所 主任研究員 櫻井美砂
自分の部屋がある年代は「時計が60進法であること」は理解しているとした上で、モンテッソーリ的な観点から不要な要素は取払いました。そのひとつが秒針で1秒をきざむステップムーブメントではなく、流れる時を視覚的に表わすスイープムーブメントを採用しました。また、1コマ=15分のなかにも、「ふんぷんくろっく」のアイデンティティーでもある「5ふん(fun)」「 10ぷん(pun)」の刻みを入れる事で、おおらかな時間の把握をサポートします。
③ 数の間隔は、「子どもの視点」、余白の取り方は「色彩心理の視点」
Special thanks!
tel:03-5981-8120 fax:03-5981-8365
tel:0766-24-5731 fax:0766-22-8071
– An analog clock helping you manage your time by its colorful design –
[Three Features of the clock]
1. An Analog clock works with people who want spend time in their own way
“ In order to finish something on time, how much do I need to do it and by when? ” “How am I going to spend my time today?” “How can I manage something what I should do and want to do?” …Although different in kind, such worries of time management are very common in everyone from children to adults.
If you think “How much will I do in 1 hour?”, you can’t grasp the goal and it tends to be vague. However, if you divide 1 hour into quarters, it becomes more clear and attainable. “ 15 minutes ” is not too hard to set aside even when you are busy.15 minutes can go quickly if you don’t pay attention, but you can do various things during that time. For example, you can strategically set aside 15 minutes for a break before your next task, so you can be more efficient and productive.
Or if you tend to be tardy, by setting one section (15 minutes) aside, you can develop a habit of arriving 5-10 minutes earlier in order to avoid being late.By optimizing the analog clock to resemble a pie chart, and dividing an hour into 4 quarters instead of 60 minutes, why don’t we work towards a life without worries of time?
2. A clock with chic coloring, eye catching in any interior space
Instead of using our regular product development color samples, the combination of four colors were carefully chosen from thousands of color samples by mixing 12 kinds of pigment with the help of an interior paint maker, COLORWORKS Inc.
The design of the clock goes well with chic as well as casual & playful interiors.
The beautiful color shade and texture was carefully selected by a licensed interior coordinator who specializes in painting aesthetics to ensure an elegant timepiece that goes well with any living space.
[Design superiority]
1. The adoption of sweep movement and concept of a fractional number
Assuming that children who have their own rooms can understand that clocks have sexagesimal system, unnecessary elements were removed from the viewpoint of the Montessori education.
One of the elements is the second hand. It doesn’t tick in a stepping movement but in a sweeping one, representing time going by visually.
Moreover, the identifying feature of our Funpun clock helps you keep track of time easily with every 15 minutes clearly painted as 1 quarter, and having scales every 5 and 10 minutes.
2. Effects of your favorite color
We prepared 4 various color types of the clock by imagining them hanging in your child’s or your own room so you’ll be able to find one that’s just right. The thick white lines of the clock are used to resemble frames within in it, which leads the direction of the interior as “graphic having a function”Each color has its own name and it helps you to find your favorite one.
3. The interval of the number is from “a child’s point of view”, the margin within the clock is from a “color psychology point of view”
The notation of two‐digit numbers (10, 11, 12) is designed to not be confusing by having the numbers placed side by side for kids. One quarter = 15 minutes is a section of time, so the end of each segment (“0” “15” “30” “45”) has thick white lines. It symbolizes the beginning, like a white canvas to start over again.
*Funpun clock
The origin of the clock’s name, with a touch of humor, came from the Japanese pronunciation of reading time. Japanese people read 5 minutes as “go-fun”, 10 minutes “ju-ppun”, 15 minutes “jugo-fun” and 20 minutes “niju-ppun”.
fun pun clock のオリジナルシリーズからのメインビジュアルのお母様。お子さんが学校に行っている間にお菓子教室に通う設定です。お菓子教室の先生も、幼稚園のお子さんのお迎えまでの合間に自宅でお教室を開いている為、時計を常に気にしています。忙しくても、好きな事を楽しむ等身大の現代のママのイメージカットです。
品番/YD15-01 YE (4515030075127)
色/ Hip:Cortez Gold (7725A) × Cool Yellow (7703M)
品番/YD15-01 GN (4515030075134)
色/ Hip:Ozark Green(8155D) × Olive Branch (8163W)
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